Archives for the month of: October, 2014

In one moment
legs crossed and humility
on my shoulders
I am a lone nun
mountain side sitting
and seeing far off
still waters a crane
takes flights

Tea steams

Just to see October,
the melancholic
strands of auburn
in her golden hair. To feel
the hint of bitter chill
in her romantic breath. Her scent,
inescapable: dry, leaf, orange, mulch.

Sideways, long-shadow moment watch
her in oak trees
as she so gently
undresses them
with merciless hands that even the breeze
is in love with.
Red brown yellow leaves
singing, dancing down sidewalks
in the tumble
of October’s assertive sigh.

Moon and midnight agree
with crickets’ songs, and they
praise October in vivid ebony skies
clarity unseen
by any other than October

The poetry
of this moment: a leaf
radiant and beaming
in golden autumn sun evening.

The poetry of this moment is
the way air looks
next to rose’s white petal.

It is the potential within stillness
before the breeze’s song
uncovers its sound.

It is space
between rocks in a canyon
before river makes its bed.

Its an empty cup before tea or
perhaps it is the earth
before the tea plant
wraps itself around scent.

The poetry of this moment:
a steady pulse beneath sound
ever present to be discovered and wrapped
within the curved thoughts
of language.

The poetry of this moment
is my open palm;
the space open for bird’s call
and the gentle sweeping sound
of activity.